I have re-defined what gardening means to me. Gardening is anything related to soil, plants, and grounds. It now encompasses all yard work or work in the yard.
I am not lying to myself anymore. Why is mowing the lawn a chore and puttering about, playing with the plants pleasure? They are tied together as one. Each influences the other.
I am not a mower of grass. I am not a gardener. I am a steward of this land. It is where I live. I am responsible for what lives here and what dies.
That includes the wildlife that lives here too. I will kill a roach or a rat without much hesitation, but accidentally walk into a spider’s web and I’m apologizing.
Some are born and some are dying is what Johnny Cash sang .
Other stuff:
I finally got back to studying for my license. I rode my bike. I did 100 squats. What is dawning on me is that it is all a mental game. The physical world is uncomfortable and will only get worse. That thing that drove me through the physical pain and effort of the past stills lives. The challenge is the same today as it was then. It doesn’t matter that I am older as I still am spirit. We have challenging days ahead but if I want to give my best each and every time I step on that ice surface, then I must prepare.
Until tomorrow.